Reimagine Recycle and Renew: Adult Education for a Sustainable Future (R3ADE)

Project Workshop I

Venue: Greece

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the first workshop under the R3ADE Project, held in Athens, Greece, on March 1-2, 2024. This workshop was a key milestone in the project’s efforts to raise awareness about environmental sustainability, focusing on practical solutions for recycling, waste management, and sustainable consumption. 

Throughout the event, participants engaged in dynamic and interactive sessions designed to foster both learning and collaboration. They explored various aspects of waste reduction and environmental preservation, not only gaining valuable insights but also actively contributing to discussions and sharing their personal experiences. The workshop’s interactive format encouraged participants to think critically about how they could implement sustainable practices in their own lives and communities. 

The sessions covered a wide range of topics, from the basics of waste separation and recycling to more advanced strategies for reducing consumption and fostering eco-friendly habits. Real-life examples and case studies were used to provide practical context, helping participants better understand how these concepts can be applied. The workshop also encouraged participants to reflect on the environmental challenges facing their communities and to think about concrete steps they could take to drive change. 

At the end of the workshop, certificates were awarded to recognize the participants’ active involvement and commitment.

The first workshop concluded successfully, setting a strong foundation for the future activities of the R3ADE Project, as we continue our mission to promote sustainable practices and environmental awareness. 

Project Workshop II

Venue :Slovakia

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the second workshop under the R3ADE Project, which took place in Bratislava, Slovakia, on May 9 and May 11, 2024. The workshop focused on sustainable waste management and recycling, bringing together experts and participants to explore innovative solutions to pressing environmental challenges. 
The first day of the workshop, held at the Info Center of Comenius University, featured a session led by Mgr. art. Ing. Robert Paršo, who introduced participants to the fundamentals of recycling and waste management. His presentation encouraged attendees to see waste as a valuable resource, sparking engaging discussions on how to rethink traditional approaches to waste. 
In the following session, Mgr. art. Andrea Gogová delved into the environmental impacts of consumerism, exploring how the integration of art, science, and technology can drive environmentally responsible behavior. Her session highlighted the creative potential of these fields in promoting sustainability, inspiring participants to think about new ways to foster environmental awareness. 
On May 11th, the second day of the workshop, participants visited the KOLO – Bratislava Reuse Center, where they were introduced to practical applications of reuse and recycling. The guided tour allowed participants to see firsthand how items can be repurposed, reinforcing the importance of sustainable consumption. This was followed by a brunch and an open discussion at Spoločná cesta, providing further opportunities for networking and exchanging ideas. 
Later that day, Mgr. art. Ing. Robert Paršo led a session on the concept of a linear economy and explored how upcycling and material repurposing can reduce waste. Participants were encouraged to critically assess their own consumption habits and explore innovative solutions for minimizing waste through creative reuse. 
The workshop concluded with a closing ceremony where participants were awarded certificates recognizing their commitment and participation. Feedback from attendees was highly positive, with many expressing that the sessions were both informative and practical, providing them with valuable insights to apply in their daily lives. 
As a follow-up to the workshop, a site visit to the ZEVO – Energy and Waste Management Center was conducted on September 3rd, 2024. Participants had the chance to observe advanced waste management technologies in action, making the visit an educational and informative experience for all involved. 
This second workshop was a great success, equipping participants with the knowledge and inspiration to adopt more sustainable waste management practices. The positive energy and collaborative spirit of the event have set the stage for the upcoming phases of the R3ADE Project. 

Project Workshop III

Venue: Germany

We are excited to announce the successful completion of the third workshop under the R3ADE Project, which took place in Frankfurt am Main from May 24th to May 27th, 2024. Over three days, participants gained valuable insights into sustainable practices through a series of workshops and hands-on activities that focused on recycling, waste management, and sustainable consumption. 

On the first day, May 24th, participants were warmly welcomed, and the workshop began with icebreaker activities to create a friendly atmosphere. Dr. Ankathrin Förster led two insightful sessions. The first, “Introduction to Recycling and Waste Management,” provided participants with a foundational understanding of recycling, the types of waste, and how waste management systems operate. The session emphasized the importance of the 3 R’s—Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle—and how these principles can significantly impact the environment. Participants were actively engaged, not only through discussions but also through practical activities that demonstrated these concepts. 

Dr. Förster’s second session, “Upcycling and Reusing Materials,” focused on the ecological and social benefits of upcycling. Participants explored various types of materials that can be reused and shared examples of upcycling projects. The session included hands-on activities, allowing participants to apply the knowledge they had gained and explore creative ways to repurpose materials. 

The second day, May 25th, began with warm-up activities and an introduction to the day’s agenda. Simone Beege led the third workshop, focusing on the impact of consumption behavior on the environment. The session covered a range of topics, including the effects of the climate crisis, the role of renewable energy, and sustainable consumption alternatives. Participants were encouraged to reflect on their own consumption habits and explore ways to adopt more sustainable practices. This was followed by a session led by Petra Kreß titled “Less Plastic in Daily Life.” In this workshop, participants learned practical strategies to reduce plastic use and waste in their everyday routines. The day ended with a feedback session where participants shared their thoughts and discussed how they could implement these changes in their own lives. 

On May 27th, the final day of the workshop, participants visited the GWR Recycling Center, where they received a guided tour and learned about the facility’s recycling processes. This provided a valuable opportunity to see recycling efforts in action and understand the importance of waste separation and processing. Following this, participants visited “Neufundland” a second-hand store run by GWR, where they observed how second-hand donations are reused and repurposed, promoting a more sustainable approach to consumption. 

After lunch, participants visited the Waste-to-Energy Plant (Müllheizkraftwerk) in Frankfurt am Main, where they explored the plant’s operations and learned about the processes of energy recovery from waste. This visit provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of how waste can be transformed into energy, reinforcing the workshop’s themes of sustainability and responsible waste management. 

The workshop concluded with a closing ceremony, where certificates were awarded to participants in recognition of their active involvement and commitment to sustainability. Feedback from attendees was highly positive, with many participants expressing that the workshops were both informative and practical, equipping them with valuable knowledge to promote more sustainable practices in their daily lives. 

These three days of the R3ADE Project in Frankfurt provided participants with a wealth of knowledge and practical skills, empowering them to contribute to a more sustainable future. 

Project Workshop IV

Venue: Estonia

We are delighted to share the success of the fourth workshop of the R3ADE Project, which took place on June 14th and 15th, 2024, in Tallinn, Estonia. This workshop focused on circular economy principles, waste management, and sustainable practices, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of these vital topics. 

The first day began on June 14th at 9:45 AM, when participants gathered in the foyer of the Ministry of Climate. Here, 23 attendees registered and completed a preliminary questionnaire, setting the stage for the day’s discussions and helping to gauge their initial knowledge and expectations. 

At 10:00 AM, Krista Kupits, an advisor at the Ministry of Climate’s Circular Economy Department, opened the workshop with a presentation titled “Ringmajandusest.” This engaging session covered the fundamental principles and benefits of the circular economy, laying a strong foundation for the day’s discussions. 

After a short break, at 11:15 AM, Rein Kalle, Head of the Tallinn Waste Center, led a session focused on transforming traditional waste stations into circular economy centers. His presentation included strategic priorities and visual aids that helped participants understand the practical steps and benefits involved in this transition. 

At 12:30 PM, participants enjoyed a guided tour of the Pääsküla Waste Station, led by Juhan Hindov, Public Relations Manager. This hands-on experience allowed attendees to learn about 40 different types of waste and the importance of repair and reuse within the waste management process. 

Lunch followed at 2:00 PM at the Tallinn Food Bank, where participants enjoyed a sustainable meal while networking and engaging in informal discussions. This meal served as a practical example of sustainable food practices, reinforcing the day’s themes. 

In the afternoon, at 2:30 PM, Liina Tõnne, Coordinator of the Tallinn Food Bank, delivered an insightful presentation on food reuse within the circular economy. Participants learned about the processes involved in collecting, distributing, and reusing food, highlighting the ecological and social benefits of such initiatives. 

The second day, June 15th, started at 9:30 AM with registration and mingling at the Pirita Day Center, fostering a sense of community among participants. 

At 10:00 AM, Mirell Merirand, a Zero Waste Trainer, conducted a workshop on zero waste practices. This session emphasized practical steps individuals can take to contribute to a zero-waste economy, encouraging participants to engage in discussions and activities centered on personal responsibility. 

Lunch provided a break at 1:00 PM, allowing for further networking and informal discussions among participants. 

In the afternoon, Mariann Hendrikson, a designer, led a session at 2:00 PM on the environmental and social aspects of recycling. Her presentation included various recycling projects and practical advice for implementing sustainable practices, encouraging attendees to think creatively about recycling and its broader implications. 

At 4:00 PM, participants completed an evaluation questionnaire, providing feedback on the workshop’s effectiveness and areas for improvement. This valuable insight will help enhance future sessions. 

The workshop concluded at 4:30 PM with a closing ceremony where participants received certificates recognizing their commitment to sustainability. 

This workshop in Estonia successfully equipped participants with valuable knowledge and practical insights into sustainable practices, further advancing the goals of the R3ADE Project.